Canadian Forces Station Alsask:
by Bruce Forsyth (, with permission
Opened in 1962 as Royal Canadian Air Force Station Alsask, with the radar functions being run by No. 44 Aircraft Control & Warning Squadron. Re-named CFS Alsask in 1968, the station closed in 1987. Most of the station remains today. The gym and pool are used by residents of Alsask. The former Construction Engineering building is a mechanical shop and one of the old buildings is used as offices for the Alsask Golf Club and a craft centre.
The barracks were used for a period as a senior citizens residence, but the centre is now closed. One of the PMQ trailers is still occupied, but will be vacated in the near future. Most of the others were moved off site years ago.
All that remains of the operations centre is one lone radar tower (minus the radar unit), complete with radome. The radar tower had been used by Transport Canada for tracking civilian aircraft until 1996. A proposal to turn the old radar tower into a Radome museum never came to fruition, however, it was designated a heritage property in 2002.
Source material: Information supplied by Gord Chiliak, Mayor of Alsask (2004) & the personal recollections of the author (2004).