Form time-to-time in your blog post, you will want to refer the reader to another web page to find more information. This is quite easy to do.
- Select the text that will be used for the link. This could be any amount of text but should normally be short. You can use “Click here” or the subject of the web site where you are leading your reader such as “more about the Hitler Youth”. Because the web site theme does not show links too well, set your text to Bold.
- Click on the Insert/Edit Link button on the toolbar (framed in red on the image below).
- In the dialog that pops up, type in the full web page address of the web page you want to link to in the URL field. It must include the full address such as “” and press the Return button. You can change link options by pressing the Gear button.
- If you want the linked page to open in a new browser tab or window, check the appropriate box.
- Note that you can also link to existing SVWM pages and blog posts by selecting it from the list.
- Click the Add Link button.
- To remove a link, simply highlight the link text, and click the Remove Link button.