Vimy Ridge was the scene of fierce fighting in France in World War I in which Canadian troops distinguished themselves. The Canadian Corps took the ridge 19170409 where the Germans had successfully resisted earlier French and British assaults. It has been said – without exaggeration – that the nation of Canada was forged on the anvil of Vimy Ridge. Almost 700 Saskatchewanians perished in April 1917.
Vimy No. 3977 school (1917-45) was west of Milestone (72H15) SW10-12-21-W2. There was also a Vimy Ridge No. 3895 school (1917-54) southeast of Paradise Hill (73F6) and a Vimy Ridge rural telephone co. (1920-50) southwest of Pense (72I6).
My Grandmother’s youngest brother AMBROISE LOUIS MARION was killed in WW1 -guessing it was at Vimy Ridge. I have copies of his Military papers and discovered he was awarded the BEM for bravery. Alas I do not have this Medal -but have the Death Plaque and the War Medal I have found no record of him – is he on the Virtual War Memorial? I served in the ‘Womens Royal Air Force 1967 -1971 I live in Brittany but born in England.