No. 3 Air Observer School (Regina) & No. 15 Elementary Flying Training School:
by Bruce Forsyth (, with permission
In 1940, the RCAF took over the Regina Municipal Airport for use as a part of the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan. The Royal Flying Corps had previously used the airport during WWI.
No. 3 Air Observer School opened 16 September 1940, followed by No. 15 Elementary Flying Training School on 11 November 1940. A Relief Landing Field was constructed near Brora.
On 12 September 1942, No. 3 AOS opened a Detachment at Pearce, Alberta, while also maintaining its site in Regina. The school continued operating until 6 June 1943 when both the Pearce and Regina schools closed.
By the time No. 15 SFTS also closed on 11 August 1944, the school had trained 2011 pilots.
The airport reverted to civilian use and is currently the Regina Airport. A new 6200 ft runway officially opened on 25 April 1953.
Source material: “Regina Airport – A History” produced by Transport Canada, the “Wings Over Alberta” web site – & “Wings For Victory” by Spencer Dunmore.
LH Davidson was the only casualty from No. 3 AOS to appear in SVWM, while three (JW Ekdahl, GB Perkins and MM Westgate) were connected to No. 15 EFTS.