65 Saskatchewanians perished during the D-Day landings, two thirds of them in the two Rifles regiments which hit Juno Beach side by side.
Regina Rifles
HP Birban C Bird MV Bolan
LG Brunning EJ Burns SH Cole
RAJ Cutler EW Dalshaug BA Daniels
JB Delorme MJ Desjarlais GD Dickin
IL Falhun J Flammand J Gislason
GF Griswold JLS Hodgson A Isbister
SJ Johnston JJ Leask J Leskiw
JV Love GJ McBride DR Moorhead
RB Murchison J Pelletier A Pelltier
FL Peters J Pilling J Serwatkewich
AS Smith D Thomas G Thompson
FG Weber WG Williams E Wladyka
D Yeo
Royal Winnipeg Rifles
LC Armatage TV Bird GH Dayman
RR Isbister LL McGown AJ McMillan
LE Sim
Four Saskatchewan boys were among the first casualties in Normandy as members of the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion, LH Adams, OM Ellefson, GR La Croix and HM Walker. Members of other regiments who perished on that momentous day were:
1st Hussars – CJ McAndrew, RF Moore, ES Sinclair
Canadian Scottish – AJ Eckman, JE Stewart
Fort Garry Horse – S Holdstock, A McCaffery, AM Rustad, M Skwarchuk
Queens Own Rifles – RE Boucher
Royal Canadian Army Service Corps – J Miko
Royal Canadian Artillery – AF Clavelle, WM Dirks, RF Taylor
Royal Canadian Engineers – H Stolar
Finally, RF Carol and TH Schrump of the RCAF were lost providing air cover for the landings.
See http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/story/2009/06/02/f-dday-history.html and http://www.members.shaw.ca/junobeach/juno-4-4.htm
hi…im a nephew of joseph sewatkewich…..looking for any info on him…thanks