Cupar, a town on the north west quarter of section 8 township 23 range 16 west of the second meridian is the seat of the rural municipality of Cupar No. 218. The 1954-1955 school students wrote up a history of the CUPAR area. CUPAR school district 972 began as a rural one room schoolhouse under the name of HARRINGTON school district 972 on the north east corner of section 12 township 23 range 17. In 1907, after serving at the first location for three years, the school house moved into the village of Cupar, it was at this same time that the name changed to CUPAR school district 972.
In their historical booklet they recorded those who served in the Great Wars.
Pte. | Feaviour | William | killed in action 1944 |
C.M.S. (M.M.) | Tenklei | Stanley | died of wounds incurred |
Pte. | Kinnard | John | Killed in action |
Major | Scott | Donald | Killed in action |
P.O. | Renouf | John | Killed in action |
Cpl | Rooke | Clarence | Killed in Action |
Sgt. | Hughes | Walter | Killed in service |
P.O. | Smith | Phillip | Killed in action |
F.S. | Smith | Peter | Kille in action |
– | Smith | Harvey | killed in service |
– | Smith-Windsor | G. | killed in action |
– | Fulcher | Louis | Killed in action |
Listed above is a small excerpt focusing on those who gave the supreme sacrifice from the Cupar history booklet, which lists those in the Cupar district who volunteered for active service.
Members of the Ladies Auxiliary raised money and sent packages to the front for the boys in service. During the war, the Cupar Red Cross Society was active, and committees formed to raise funds, send knitting and handwork to the front, and others sent food parcels overseas. A unique idea blossomed. The Cupar and district printed a magazine – the “Cupar Cracker” and this was sent along with the parcels to the boys serving overseas.
The town raised five honour rolls.
- the High School
- The United Church
- The Anglican Church
- The Dalrymple School
- The Legion Hall
A Cenotaph was erected in Memorial park, which bears a wreath on Remembrance Day, November 11 each year. Fund raising began in 1949, and the newly erected cenotaph was dedicated on Remembrance day of that year. It bears the names of the Cupar district soldiers on a copper plaque. Both the Curling Rink and the Skating Rink built 1954-1955 were dedicated to those who served during the Great Wars. The Canadian Legion meets in the basement of the Recreation Hall. This hall was constructed in 1929. The war veterans in the area added to the Recreation Hall a memorial front. Additionally this same year, the memorial organ was purchased by the United Church Congregation and also dedicated to those who fell while serving their country.
As men arrived home, parties, and welcoming activities were held. Additionally a Christmas Cheer Club hosted a Christmas party for the soldiers who returned.
Saskatchewan Golden Jubilee School Histories 1905-1955 Cupar School District 972
Cupar Golden Jubilee.
Dedicated to the Pioneers of Cupar and District.
Written and Compiled by:
Schools: Room IV
Editorial Board Irene Lautsch
Barbara Turner
Eleanor Lautsch
Lewis Anderson
Artist Ethel Kish
Photographer L.M. MacKnack
Supervised by J.N.W. Elkington and his staff:
Mr. O. Glyn-Jones
Mr. J. Billy
Mr. R. Peters.
Saskatchewan Provincial Archives Finding Aid Number IR21
Title Saskatchewan Golden Jubilee School Histories
R3.9 Microfilm