Clouston is located ten miles outside of Prince Albert to the south west. It is situated on section 13 township 27 range 47 west of the second meridian and was located on the Canadian National Railway line.
Harry Dennis gave the supreme sacrifice World War I September 1, 1918. He disembarked from Canada on May 19, 1915 after enlisting at Prince Albert. George Bannerman Senior, George Bennett, Benjamin Clark, H. Erasmus, Ian Hewison, Samuel McKay, and James Woodhouse were all listed as killed in action during the Great War.
In World War II, Harry Anderson was killed in action. Those who did not return from World War II, were Lloyd Adams, Harry Anderson, Louis Brunning, Cecil Fidler, Clarence Lorenson, Clifford Mackie, Norman Massey, Duncan McDonald, William Mitchell, Jack Nelson, James Tait and Irving Wesley.
George Bennett was the son of Alfred Ernest Bennett , and Mary Campbell. George was killed at Passchendale, November 11, 1917, His brothers Thomas and Henry both enlisted but arrived home. Altogether the family had eight children.
James Woodhouse (1895-1917) and his siblings left Wallsend, England arriving in Canada with the Barr Colonists. The first brother, Cuthbert stayed in Canada and filed for homesteads in the Lily Plain district. Two brothers, Edwin and Jim served in World War I. Jim fell in 1917.
Colin McKay, and his brother Larry McKay both served in World War one serving overseas. Colin received serious injuries and died overseas. These brothers were the sons of Thomas McKay and Catherine McBeth.1/
Louis Brunning, born December 27, 1923, was the son of John and Irene Brunning according to the family history written by Marjorie Byers (Brunning). The family had eleven children. Loretta joined the air force, Harold was with the Regina Rifles, and later the air force. Louis was taken on June 6, 1944.
Duncan McDonald, the son of James Alexander McDonald, and Mrs. Lillian McDonald, was born in 1919. Serving as an Air Gunner, he was killed in action of November 9, 1941 while engaged at Hamburg, Germany.
Clarence Lorenson, the son of Leis Lorenson and Mary Ethel Smith. Clarence was born in 1919, the second of six children.
William Mitchell was the son of David Pearne Mitchell, and Elizabeth Selina Mills. David Mitchell served with the British Army Reserve during World War I serving as Corporal, receiving an honourable discharge after injury from sniper fire. William David (Billy) was born April 9, 1921, serving as a gunnery bombadier and navigation instructor. He lost his life on a training mission May 24, 1944 in Dafoe, Saskatchewan. William’s brother, Jack also served in World War Two with the Regina Rifles before transfer to the South Saskatchewan Rifles. Serving overseas, he was wounded, and received an honourable discharge in 1945.
James Tate was the son of Eugene TAte and Maria Adams. They had a family of twelve children. James fell in 1945.
Echoes Of Our Heritage. Chapter:Veterans. ISBN 0-88925-523-7. Clouston History Book. R.R. 3 Box 6 Site 3 Prince Albert, SK. Friesen Printers. Alton, MB.