by Bruce Forsyth (, with permission

During World War II, Camp Dundurn became a major training centre and transit point for personnel going overseas. The RCAF also built a bombing range at the camp and the Canadian Womens Army Corps established one of its first units in Canada at Camp Dundurn .

A27 Canadian Armoured Corps Training Centre re-located to Camp Dundurn on 28 January 1942 from Camp Borden. The school was re-named A27 Canadian Reconnaissance Training Centre.

Although A27 CRTC closed in March 1945, the camp would remain open as a permanent Army camp. No. 6 Ordnance Ammunition Depot opened at the camp in 1947 and Permanent Married Quarters were constructed.

(Ed note: Dundurn was a major cadet camp through the 1950s and 60s.)

In the early to mid 1960s, a reorganization and consolidation occurred within the Canadian Military. Several Army, Navy and RCAF bases were either downsized, merged or closed. As a result, Camp Dundurn was downsized to a detachment of CFB Moose Jaw in 1966. No. 6 Ordnance Ammunition Depot was re-named Canadian Forces Ammunition Depot Dundurn.

Today the camp continues to serve as the home of Canadian Forces Ammunition Depot Dundurn, as well as a training area and rifle range for militia and regular force units in Saskatchewan. The Canadian Forces Housing Agency still maintains 28 PMQs (now called Residential Housing Units) for military members.

Dundurn is now a detachment of 17 Wing Winnipeg.

Source Material: information supplied by Will Chabun, Member Regina Chapter, Canadian Aviation Historical Society (2001), CF Det Dundurn Detachment Fire Service web site –, History of the Air Cadets Glider Training web site –, information supplied by the Canadian Forces Housing Agency (2011) & the Town of Dundurn web site –

The following served at Camp Dundurn: FV Baird, BA Downey, FE Gannon, S Haresign, CG Ismond, BF Mayowski, JA McDonald, DJ Patenaude, WJ Rochville and GG Smith. In addition, Camp Dundurn was the home base for 16/22 Saskatchewan Horse, subsequently disbanded in Britain in 1943. The majority of Saskatchewanians who perished while serving with Armoured Corps regiments enlisted at Camp Dundurn (they can be located by using the Advanced Search function.