Use of Comments

Below each blog post, there is a Comments section. This is a good place to express your opinion about what is presented in the blog post you have just read. If your comment is about a different topic, please begin a new blog post for your topic otherwise, the information you are providing will be very difficult to find. Remember that you must be registered as a web site user to leave comments. See the Register section for details.

As with everything else on the web site, we ask that you not use any coarse or profane languate and that you don’t insult or denigrate any person, group, race, religion, etc. In other words, please be nice!

Moderated Site

This blog is moderated. All new blog posts or changes to existing posts, comments, images, video and audio will be reviewed by an editor who, at their discretion, may make changes to the content that has been submitted. Any content deemed to be contentious or inappropriate, will be removed.

It also means that copyright will be taken seriously. If someone contacts the web site administrator to report that copyrighted written content or copyrighted media have been used without permission, they will be removed. Please review our Copyright Information section.

What Does This Mean to Me?

Most persons who contribute blog posts do so responsibly. If the content you submit is not racially contentions, insulting, accusatory, demeaning, grossly inaccurate or inappropriate, very little, if anything, will be changed. Any coarse language will be removed. The editor of your content may make some formatting changes to help make it more readable and better structured.