There are two reasons why you need to be a registered user on the web site: if you want to leave comments on posts and pages, and if you want to create your own blog posts.
You can automatically register as a Subscriber which allows you to leave comments on pages and posts. Here is how:
- Click on the Register link near the bottom of the right sidebar.
- On the screen that is displayed, type in a Username and your valid Email Address then click the Register button.
- You will be sent a confirmation email containing you initial password and a link to confirm your registration.
- Click on this link and login with your Username and the Password emailed to you.
- This will bring you to the Profile area in the web site’s WordPress administration area.
- Fill in any profile details you want. You can change your password at the bottom of the Profile form.
- Click the Update Profile button to save your changes.
This will register you as a Subscriber which is very limited. As you can see, the only thing you can access when logged-in is the Profile area and minimal Dashboard area.
If you want to create blog posts on the web site, you will need to be “promoted” to an Author. After registering as a Subscriber, please use the Author Request Form to request that you be made an Author and let us know what your first blog post will be about. A web site administrator will upgrade your access level from Subscriber to Author and let you know by email.
As an Author, you will have access to: Posts (your posts only), Media, Comments (on your posts), Profile, some Tools, some Settings, and view access to the Lazyest Gallery (used for web site image galleries). You create and edit posts from the Posts area.
Creating and Editing Blog Posts
Before you can create a blog post, you must first be a registered user at the Author level. See the Register section for details.
To create or edit a blog post, you must first log into the web site as a registered user. Click the Log in link near the bottom of the right sidebar. Once you have logged in, you will be in the web site’s WordPress administration area. From here you can create a new post or edit one of your existing posts. There are other options on the left sidebar that you can explore and use.
To create a new blog post, click on Posts on the left sidebar and then select Add New and a new blog post editing window will be displayed. See the Categories and Layout section for some ideas on how to set-up your blog post page.
To edit an existing blog post, click on Posts on the left sidebar and choose All Posts. Find the post you want to edit from the list and click on the Edit link. The Edit link will be displayed when you hover your mouse pointer over the post you want to edit.
For your own protection, please check out the Copyright section for some important information. The Editors and Working with Media sections will give you an overview of how to most effectively work in the editing environment.